Multi-tenant SaaS : Where to start? image

Multi-tenant SaaS : Where to start?

Multi-tenancy is widely used in the cloud. This is a crucial feature if we talk about SaaS solutions. The idea behind multi-tenancy architecture is that a software server, database, storage or network controller can be used by several clients, with each client's data hidden from the others. Single-tenancy is the opposite of this and means that one instance of software serves a single application.

Multi-tenant SaaS: Where to Start?

Advantages and disadvantages of multi-tenancy

The most obvious and important benefit of multi-tenancy is the reduction in hosting costs through optimal use of resources, but there are other very important benefits that this architecture can bring to your business:

Potential disadvantages include limited customisation options compared to single-tenant architecture, some security and compliance issues, and the ‘noisy neighbour’ effect, which can occur when one client uses an inordinate amount of CPU and slows down other tenants’ applications.
To summarise all of the above, the single-tenant architecture offers a high level of security and customisation and is a good choice for large enterprises. The multi-tenant architecture is a more cost-effective and highly scalable model that is well suited to most enterprises.

Multi-tenant SaaS models

The most common multi-tenant SaaS models are the following:

Container-based multi-tenancy Virtualization-based multi-tenancy Single multi-tenant database

Points to consider when designing a multi-tenant application


Getting the right multi-tenant SaaS architecture in place is a crucial factor that affects the quality of the service provided and your business in general. Consider all of the above fundamental factors from the start to have a clear understanding of the software you are developing and all of your customers’ needs.

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Written By

Matthieu ROBIN


Matthieu Robin is the CEO of Hidora, an experienced strategic leader, a former system administrator who has managed and configured more environments manually than anyone else on the planet and after realising that it could be done with a few clicks created Hidora SA. Follow him on Twitter.

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