Hosting Service Level Agreement

One of the main goals of the Hidora team is to provide high availability to our customers in order to contribute to their business success.
If you submit a ticket regarding your technical issue via our support portalor send it to, it will be processed within the response time indicated. We are ready to provide customer support from 8am to 6pm CET Monday to Friday, business days, and infrastructure support 24×7.

Hidora support portal:
Support email:
Response times differ depending on the severity level. Below is a list of issues related to each severity level.

High level of severity

Maximum response time: 1 hour
Maximum restoration time: 4 hours
Your problem will be considered as high severity in the following cases:

  • The occurrence of a system crash or suspension
  • Your data has been corrupted or lost
  • Unavailability of necessary critical HIDORA functions without a workaround.

Normal severity level

Maximum response time: 2 hours
Maximum restoration time: 8 hours
Your problem will be considered to be of normal severity if :

  • The need for a reboot or system recovery caused by a product error or failure.
  • The performance of the HIDORA software is severely hampered.
  • The critical functions of HIDORA are available, but the system can only operate in restricted mode.

Low level of severity

Maximum response time: 8 hours
Maximum restoration time: 72 hours (but usually within 48 hours)
Your problem will be considered minor if :

  • An error report with the workaround.
  • Minimum level of performance degradation
  • The product does not work properly with minimal impact
  • You have questions about the functionality and configuration of the platform, you need expert advice on how to use the platform or you want to suggest improvements.

Our priority is to ensure that our customers' cloud services always remain operational. We do our best to ensure that our customers are satisfied and have an excellent experience with Hidora.