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    Jelastic and Docker containers: A successful marriage in the cloud

    Containers like Docker can help you automate and accelerate your development process...
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    Kubernetes and Docker: 9 reasons why DevOps is better with Docker and Kubernetes

    Kubernetes and Docker can help companies overcome one of the biggest challenges - a long time to marke.
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    Microservices and monolithic architecture explained simply

    The rapid development of the IT industry poses new challenges for companies...
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    Take full advantage of Jelastic's multi-cloud PaaS platform

    Take full advantage of Jelastic's multi-cloud PaaS platform
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    How does PaaS work? 3 main advantages of using PaaS

    Are you still looking for a PaaS or IaaS? If so, this article will help you.
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    10 basic facts about Kubernetes that you didn't know

    Kubernetes is a growing trend. In recent years, the K8S technology has seen an increase in...
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