Uptime Kuma - Infrastructure as code image

Uptime Kuma - Infrastructure as code

It is important to monitor your applications, websites, network, firewall, etc. Monitoring can help you find the root cause of a problem and be aware of the problem before your customers.

In this article, we will focus on monitoring web applications or websites.

There are many solutions such as UptimeRobot that allow you to monitor 50 websites for FREE. You can monitor your URL, check if your SSL certificate is about to expire, and receive alerts if your website is down via email, slack or even SMS.

You can have exactly the same functionality (or more) by installing Uptime Kuma which is open-source.
The design of the dashboard is similar to that ofUptime Robot and very user-friendly.

Uptime Kuma dashboard

The installation of Uptime Kama can be done via Docker with two command lines:

$ docker volume create uptime-kuma $ docker run -d –restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v uptime-kuma:/app/data –name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1

You can also install it manually on Hidora by following Yoan Bernabeu ‘s explanation (his Youtube channel).

Or directly via our marketplace with a simple button.

Behind the Uptime Kuma application, there is a manifest (infrastructure as a code) that describes the applications architecture.
You can find in the Jelastic documentation some examples of manifests and how to create one.

We will try to build the manifest for Uptime Kuma, line by line.

When creating a manifest, there are two types of methods available:

We have specified the name of the environment that will be created

Application categories. In our case, Uptime Kuma is located in the dev-and-admin-tools section of the marketplace.

Logo that appears before the manifest is installed.

Write a short description of the application

This is an option to enable the SSL wildcard (*.hidora.com). By enabling SSL, you will be able to access your application via HTTPS. At any time, you can add your own SSL certificate or install Let’s Encrypt for your own domain name.

By default, you will have a sub-domain of .hidora.com.

Specify the type of nodes or dockers you want to install. In our case, we need a load balancer (NGINX ) that will redirect traffic to our Uptime Kuma.

You can customise a message that will be sent after the environment is created.

Below you can find the full manifesto

The manifest for Uptime Kuma is basic but you can make a very complex infrastructure like a code. Everything you can do manually, can be done automatically with the manifest.

Feel free to try Uptime Kuma on our platform.

You can also find WordPress, WordPress cluster, Kubernetes, Nextcloud, Gitlab, Mattermost, Drupal and other applications in your marketplace.

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Written By



Jean-Luc is a Junior Full-Stack Tech Engineer at Hidora with a strong background in IT. He advises clients on DevOps and also helps Hidora's clients with automation deployments and migrations.

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