
Find all our resources: tutorials, news, case studies and upcoming events.

  • Blog

    WordPress and Jelastic: the perfect combination

    Writing blogs can be fun, but maintaining and hosting them can get complicated over time.
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    What is ModSecurity and how can it help me?

    Nginx is one of the best web servers on the market and one of its main strengths is that it is incredibly secure by default.
  • Blog

    10 ways to improve the security of your PHP

    You've been using PHP for years and it seems to work perfectly, but have you ever wondered what more you can do to secure your scripts?
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    Docker Basics - How do I delete Docker images, containers and volumes?

    Where do Docker images, containers and volumes go when they are no longer in use?
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    Case studies

    Meet Jefferson Notaro. Choosing the right cloud hosting solution for your start-up

    Today, cloud hosting is a necessity for almost every business.
  • Blog

    Jelastic and Docker containers: A successful marriage in the cloud

    Containers like Docker can help you automate and accelerate your development process...
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