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    Case studies

    Meet Jefferson Notaro. Choosing the right cloud hosting solution for your start-up

    Today, cloud hosting is a necessity for almost every business.
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    Jelastic and Docker containers: A successful marriage in the cloud

    Containers like Docker can help you automate and accelerate your development process...
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    Improve the reliability of your Jelastic manifests with live documentation

    Jelastic manifests are sometimes so complex that it is difficult to follow all the little details...
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    Basics of Kubernetes cluster architecture

    Kubernetes technology is gaining popularity among technology companies year after year.
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    Kubernetes-based development with Devspace

    Breaking large applications into smaller pieces makes the whole thing more maintainable and easier to develop...
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    Case studies

    ThinkEE IoT platform migrated to cloud-based containers with Hidora and Jelastic

    Moving from traditional hosting to the cloud, migrating from...
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